Your Ideal Bamboo Standing Desk: Sensible and Fashionable
Bamboo Standing Desks Look Great In Any Office
There is something about the light refreshing appeal of a bamboo standing desk that captivates you. Although there are other nice-looking (and probably more affordable) models in the market, for you nothing compares to its clean, classy top.
Its pale beige color highlighted with coffee-brown streaks adds interest. Unlike conventional black and white, bamboo exudes warmth and tranquility in a natural, earthy way.
You imagine how a bamboo adjustable standing desk will look in your office. With certainty, you know it will not clash with the design and color of most (if not all) of your work-related accessories. Its neutral shade not only fits your down-to-earth nature, but it also goes well with almost any shade.
Compared to other neutral hues, it complements other colors instead of highlighting them. But being easy on the eyes is not all there is to this type of desk. Its functionality and durability make it the sensible and needless to mention, most practical choice.
And because it is an ergonomically designed standing desk, you know you can count on using it for a long time while helping reverse the harsh effects of a sedentary lifestyle. But with all the brands available these days, finding the best one may require you to do some research. To help you narrow down your selection, go over the details below.
What Is a Standing Desk?
A standing desk, which is also popularly called a stand-up desk, is a workstation designed to make working while standing up comfortable. It is built following strict ergonomic standards. The main objective behind its design is to help users combat the ill effects of a sedentary lifestyle. And it does so by prompting them to stand up as often as needed while toiling away at the grind.
Standing desks not formally introduced to the market until 2011. But it was not widely recognized until the 18th and early 19th centuries. Back then, only popular people belonging to the upper-class social brackets were fond of it. These users included noteworthy personalities and leaders such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
Based on the outcome of the study that the Texas A&M University performed in 2014 and 14, standing desks with bamboo tops (or other materials) contribute to the user’s improved health and productivity. Consequently, those who spent most of their shifts standing while working are more alert and coped better with the stress of the daily grind,
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How Practical Is a Standing Desk with a Bamboo Top?
Nowadays, you will not have a hard time finding the best workstation for your needs. Of the different models available, the standing-sitting desk with bamboo top is one of the most sought after. Made of sustainable material with an earthy, refreshing feel, it is as appealing to the senses as it is functional.
Nature lovers or people who cannot get enough of that old-school, homey atmosphere will delight in using a this workstation. It blends well with most interior design motifs. It stands out on its own but never overpowers when placed alongside other furniture pieces.
Unlike black and white tops, bamboo has a neutral, warm shade that goes well with various styles. The natural design of the stalks lined together is aesthetically pleasing as it is relaxing. If your office is not as modern as most minimally inspired offices nowadays, yet you still want standing desks that you can mix and match with conventional wood furniture, then a fixed standing desk bamboo is your best bet.
The Health Benefits of a Bamboo Adjustable Standing Desk
There is so much more to bamboo than just a fine-grain material that looks great in any room. Whatever your style is, you can always fit in a bamboo standing desk into any living space without disrupting its overall aesthetic appeal.
But what makes a bamboo standing desk stand out apart from its versatility are its eco-friendly properties. A naturally sourced material, it is considered tougher than other types of wood. This quality endows it with the capacity to stay durable for a long time and put up with the wear and tear of daily use.
That mentioned, it also benefits users because it promotes good health. You read it right. As to how and why this became possible, go over the explanations below:
*To make bamboo malleable enough for creating high quality standing desks and other types of furnishing, it is steamed for long periods. This procedure is called carbonization. Although it cannot be confirmed if all manufacturing companies still perform this process, it works to automatically reduce the amount of chemicals used. In turn, this lowers risk of inhaling or coming in contact with hazardous pollutants, which are present in some furniture.
*It is sustainable. Farmers do not have to wait too long for this hardy grass to mature. Aside from its swift growth rate, it comes with a natural protective coating. And because it grows easily enough with or without human assistance, farmers do not use pesticides or fertilizers to help it grow healthily.
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Multiple Sizes Offered: from a Bamboo Laptop Standing Desk to a Large Ergo Cut
A bamboo is not a tree. It is a type of grass. But do not be fooled by its slender and seemingly graceful appearance. Science has proven that it possesses tensile strength exceeding that of steel by 5,000 per square inch.
What makes this possible? It grows straight that is why. Unlike other types of wood, it is the only variant that does not curve or slant as it matures, and this concentrates its strength. Overall, this fact further validates the practicality of purchasing a bamboo standing desk.
And because there are multiple sizes available, you have the freedom to choose the best one that fits your needs and of course, budget. At StandDesk, you can have two options to choose from: the bamboo laptop and the large ergo cut.
These sizes were pre-determined based on ergonomic and industrial design principles. The bamboo laptop standing desk goes well with small-sized rooms. The large ergo cut model, on the other hand, will look awesome in bigger rooms. Although room size is important, you should also consider other factors like taste and design in choosing the best unit.
Our Large Ergo Cut Bamboo Corner Standing Desk: Quality and Comfort
Bigger is not always better. However, if it suits the size of the room and can give you the ideal space to help you become even more productive, then you can claim otherwise. Such is the case with using the large ergo cut bamboo corner standing desk.
Handcrafted to perfection with your needs in mind, it has height and width adjustment features. Hence, you can raise it and widen it whenever you want. And because it is electronic and efficacious, you can say goodbye to spinning stiff cranks or dealing with a faulty motor, both of which only compounds your stress.
The large ergo cut bamboo corner model can go up to heights ranging from 24.5” up to 50”. Given these levels, users who are 5.2’-6.5’ can look forward to enjoying the perks of working on this desk. It also has a dry-erase surface made with the highest grade bamboo. Not only is this sustainable material of ideal height, weight and volume proportion ratio, but it is also crafted with natural substances. So you do not have to worry about coming in contact with dangerous compounds that pollute the air and could put your health at risk.
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Remains Stable While Fixed in a Position: Our Standing Desk Bamboo Stability
Like most users, you probably load your computer and other work-related accessories on your desk. At times, you may park other stuff like books, purchases, etc. on it while busy with other activities. Either way, you can be rest assured that the bamboo standing desk will hold up and remain stable, even if you put heavy items weighing as much as 400 lbs. on it.
At first glance, the bamboo standing desk’s attractive beige color and black steel legs give the impression of “lightness”. But that is the irony behind this workstation. Its light, minimalistic appearance makes it easy to fit into most types of spaces. You will not have a hard time blending it in with the rest of the furnishing.
As a desk, it serves its purpose very well. Popular YouTuber, Randomfrankp, confirmed this in his review: the desk really lives up to its reputation. It elevated without fuss while he was on top of it. And it does so without making any disruptive noise.
While it was going up, Frank noted that the motor made only the slightest whirring sound. It was hardly audible. In fact, he had to bend down and place his ear next to the motor’s container pod just to hear it clearly.
The Unbeatable Looks of a Bamboo Adjustable Standing Desk
Easy on the eyes and inherently clean-looking with a refreshingly environmentally friendly ambiance, the bamboo adjustable standing desk is understated elegance on four sturdy steel legs. Its smooth surface is made of naturally processed high-grade stalks.
Expert craftsmen laid each strip side by side with the utmost care and expertise. The result: a perfectly crafted top whose smooth, varnished surface beautifully complements the oriental-like, woody appeal of natural bamboo.
This desk stands looks glamorous and catches the eye without overwhelming the other pieces of furniture around it. Some users who have reviewed it attest to its versatility and timeless appeal.
Just looking at suffices to clear the mind. Unlike other brands, it makes use of 100% slow-cured bamboo and nothing else. No particle board or other types of low-class wood mixed in.
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Order a Standing-Sitting Desk Made of Bamboo Today
StandDesk understands the importance of prioritizing quality. That is why, in placing your orders, you can expect that you will get the highest quality bamboo standing desk you can own. And you do so exactly on the appointed time (as determined by the details of your transaction with the customer service personnel).
In using it, you can look forward to finishing one task after another without any desk- related issue hindering you along the way. You can raise it to standing levels or lower it, so you can sit down comfortably whenever you feel like it.
Upon receiving your desk, the next step will be to assemble it. Like most users, you will not have a hard time doing this. StandDesk simplifies the process by packaging and labeling each component separately for easy identification. All you need are the basic tools and a big-enough space, and you can start building your bamboo standing desk with ease.
Apart from these cool features, your Standdesk comes with a lifetime warranty. With proper use, you can enjoy using it for many years to come. Such durability can be attributed to the high quality materials that the manufacturer used. Each item is subjected to rigorous testing and scrutiny before it is considered worthy of being used in crafting each desk.
On average, assembly takes an hour. This could take a bit longer or become faster depending on your pace. However, speed is not what counts in ensuring that you build your desk the right way. Precision and stability are your top priorities. Go over the instruction manual carefully and make sure that you got the right tools on hand.
As with making product inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the customer service support hotline should you find anything amiss while putting your desk together. The friendly StandDesk personnel will be ready to assist you when the need arises.
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